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Current Transits As the planets of our solar system orbit around the Sun, they move into mathematical relationships with one another. These relationships are called "transits." Transits operate like a pen highlighting words on a page - they draw our attention to a particular area. By understanding the meaning behind a specific transit we can understand the deeper meaning of events - both on a global scale as well as within our own lives.
Some transits move very quickly and are in effect for only a few days while others are in effect over months or even years. Shorter transiting events should always be viewed against the larger picture.
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Important Transits for 2011 -
Since 2008, we've been in a highly transformational time. The last two years were dominated by an on-going opposition between Saturn (Sobek) and Uranus (Wadjet), which ended last summer in a powerful t-square also involving Pluto (Osiris) and Jupiter (Horus). The theme of the last two years has been endings - ending of our world as we've known it, including the economic domination of the United States on the world stage. Virtually everyone has been affected in some way by planetary events. In essence, this has been a death time. All deaths are also births and, just as with a new-born baby, it is impossible to know the character and personality of the new being that has been born.
2011 brings a transition into a new era, highlighed by the movement of Uranus (Wadjet) firmly into the fire sign Aries (Kephera) and Neptune's slow transition into Pisces (Sothis). Uranus and Neptune are two of the three generational planets (Pluto is the third). These planets are so far out in the solar system they stay in a sign of a zodiac for a very long time. Pluto transitioned into Capricorn (Khnum) in 2008; now Uranus and Neptune move into new signs. We truly are at the beginning of a new era.
Uranus transitions into Aries. Uranus, the planet of sudden and unpredictable change, enters the fire sign Aries. Uranus stays in a sign of a zodiac for approximately eight years. Uranus, Wadjet to the Egyptians, first entered Aries (Kephera) on May 27 of last year and retrograded back into Pisces on August 13. Uranus will re-enter Aries on March 12, 2011. Uranus will remain in the fiery sign of Aries until 2019.
It is worth noting that on July 9, Uranus will turn retrograde within a degree and a half of a square to Pluto. Wadjet, the cobra kundalini goddess of shattering change squares off to Osiris, the lord of death, rebirth and regeneration. These two stay within two degrees of one another through mid-September. This will provide a taste of the hugely transformative events to come. The first exact square between Uranus and Pluto takes place in June 2012; the two of them remain in a dance with one another through March, 2015.
Neptune transitions into Pisces. Neptune, lord of the sea and associated with the lunar goddess of mystery, Nephthys, begins its transition into the water sign Pisces (Sothis). We can expect a gradual breakdown of the boundaries that divide us during Neptune's 14 year transit through Pisces. Neptune first enters Pisces on April 4, 2011, retrogrades back into Aquarius on August 4, and will then move firmly into Pisces on February 3, 2012. Neptune will remain in Pisces until 2025.
Jupiter enters Aries and Taurus. Jupiter stays in a sign of the zodiac for about a year. Jupiter re-enters Aries on January 22 and will enter Taurus (Hathor) on June 4. Jupiter, the young king Horus, expands any sign or planet with which he comes into relationship. Aries is a fire sign, impulsive, energetic and open to change. Aries is associated with Kephera, the neter associated with the morning sun and a reminder that every day is a new beginning. Taurus is an earth sign, grounded in the body and practical, earth reality. Taurus is associated with Hathor in the Egyptian pantheon, a goddess who loves the earth and all of its creatures unconditionally.
Jupiter conjuncts Uranus. The Young King energy of Jupiter (Horus) aligns with and expands the shattering energy of Uranus (Wadjet). Jupiter and Uranus complete the third of three exact conjunctions on January 4 at the 27th degree of Pisces. This alignment began in June of last year.
Jupiter squares Pluto. The expansive energy of the Young King Jupiter (Horus) squares Pluto (Osiris), the Lord of the Underworld, god of regeneration, for the third and final time on February 25 at Capricorn 8 degrees. This square began last year in July.
Jupiter opposite Saturn. Jupiter (Horus), the principle of expansion, opposes Saturn (Sobek), the principle of consolidation. The third of three exact oppositions takes place on March 28. Jupiter first exactly opposed Saturn last May and again in August.
Jupiter trine Pluto. The expansive energy of Jupiter (Horus) now aligns in a harmonious way with the underworld lord, Pluto (Osiris). Jupiter and Pluto will exactly trine three times, July 7 and October 28, and for a third time on March 13, 2012.
Mercury Retrograde. Mercury turns retrograde three times in 2011, for approximately three weeks at a time. Mercury is the planet of communication and governs transportation and communication systems. Mercury retrograde periods are times when we need to collectively retreat - to take stock of that which needs to be re-thought or re-done since the last Mercury retrograde period. It is difficult to move forward in the way society expects and wants. Transportation and communication systems sometimes literally break down during Mercury retrograde periods, forcing upon us a collective respite from forward motion.
Mercury is the Egyptian god Thoth, the sacred scribe, who assists us in receiving downloads from divine source. Mercury retrograde periods are excellent times to open to our inner guidance - to re-think, re-process, re-do, and release our preconceptions of how things are to be. These times provide the opportunity to open to our soul's guidance as to our next right step.
Mercury turns retrograde on March 30 at Aries 25 degrees and will turn direct on April 23 at Aries 13 degrees. Mercury's second retrograde period will begin On August 2 at Virgo 2 degrees and end on August 26 at Leo 19. The third and last 2011 retrograde period of Mercury will start on November 24 at Sagittarius 21 degrees and end on December 13 at Sagittarius 4 degrees.
Current Transits - Astrological Month of Aries, 2011.
- March 20 - Sun enters Aries; Spring Equinox -
- March 27 - Venus enters Pisces -
- March 30 - Mercury turns retrograde at Aries 25 degrees -
- April 2 - Mars enters Aries -
- April 3 - New Moon on the 13th degree of Aries -
- April 4 - Neptune enters Pisces -
- April 9 - Pluto turns retrograde at Capricorn 8 degrees -
- April 17 - Full Moon on the 27th degree of Libra -
- April 20 - Sun enters Taurus
The month of Aries brings another important transistional astrological event. Last month, the month of Pisces, was dominated by the movement of Uranus into Aries on March 11. This month, another powerful archetype of transformation and change - Neptune - begins its transistion into a new sign, that of Pisces.
Neptune, or Poseidon as he was known to the Greeks, is the Lord of the Sea and is associated with imagination, creativity, inspiration and the shadow aspects of confusion, delusion, and addiction. His shamanic Egyptian counterpart is Nephthys, twin sister of Isis and the keeper of the mysteries behind the veils. Nephthys has her shadow aspect as well. In the most common tale told of her, she uses her physical likeness to her sister Isis to seduce Osiris, husband to Isis. The child born of that union is Anubis. Anubis is guide to the newly dead. He escorts them to the underworld where they meet, among others, Nephthys. Nephthys knows the secret formulation of the elixir needed for the renewal of the heart. It is Nephthys who invites us to step into the mists and move into the unseen realms behind the veils. Unknown and unseen, she guides our steps as we move out of this reality into an as yet unseen and undefined new world.
Neptune will stay in the water sign Pisces for 14 years. As with all the outer planets, it's transition into this new territory will be gradual. Neptune first enters the Pisces on April 4, then will retrograde back into Aquarius on August 4. Neptune will them move firmly into Pisces on February 3, 2012, where it will remain until 2025.
It is important to note the recent emphasis on the signs Aquarius, Pisces and Aries. Neptune, ruler of Pisces in traditional astrology, is leaving the sign Aquarius, the sign associated with the new age, and entering Pisces, the sign of the astrological age we are currently leaving. Uranus, ruler of Aquarius in traditional astrology, has just left the sign Pisces and has entered Aries, a new cycle of experience. An astrological age lasts some 2120 years - the transistion from one age to another is gradual and takes two to three hundred years. It is my personal opinion that the beginning of the transistion from the age of Pisces into the age of Aquarius began with the discovery of Uranus - ruler of Aquarius - in 1781. This transistion sped up with the subsequent discovery of Neptune - ruler of Pisces - in 1840 and Pluto in 1930. All indications are that we have already moved into the new age of Aquarius, but as with all transistions the "shadow" of the old age still lingers. It will take time for us to shake off the remnants of the old age. The process of dismantling the old age of Pisces will increase during the next 14 years as Neptune invites us to move behind the veils and let go of our old constructs and allow a new reality to be formed. The gift to us will be to dissolve our collective perception so that a new consensus reality may come to birth. Just as a butterfly is formed from a caterpillar, so too our new world is being formed from our old reality.
March 28 brings the third and final opposition of Jupiter to Saturn. Jupiter is Horus in the Egyptian pantheon; the New King. Saturn is Sobek; the Old King. These two planetary archetypes have been locked in battle since last May. This final opposition suggests a resolution is finally possible in a battle that began in the fall of 2008.
Mercury turns retrograde on March 30 at the 25th degree of Aries. Mercury turns retrograde approximately three times a year for three weeks at a time. Mercury (Hermes to the Greeks) is the messenger to the gods in the Roman and Greek myths. In traditional astrology, Mercury functions as the carrier to consciousness of the messages of our ego. In the Egyptan panthion, Mercury is Thoth. Thoth represents our ability to receive inspiration and direct downloads from our divine source. Mercury retrograde periods can be frustrating in our external ego-based world. They also represent times when we can become connected with our inner guidance and inspired by listening to our soul's true voice. Mercury will turn direct on April 23 at the 13th degree of Aries.
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Astrology Insights © Ruby Falconer, 2000 - 2011 |