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Free PsyPlan astrology, horoscope, biorhythm and numerology reports.
Personal horoscope astrology appointment diary calendar printed planners sold. My PRIVACY POLICY: I respect your privacy.
Your stuff is used only for what you ask.
New Free Transit Reports Inner-Planets Transit Report - transits of the inner planets Lunar Transit Report - transits of the moon Outer-Planets Transit Report - transits of the outer planets Free! Personalized Wall Calendar HEREOld Wine in new skins? Run PPPS in Windows® XP Some users have problems running old MS-DOS programs on Windows XP. I may have found a way to run PsyPlan Professional Publishing System on Windows XP. I hope you'll try this and tell me what you think.
See what PsyPlan can do for you.
Start with Instant PsyPlan. Daily and month reviews. Natal charts. Ephemeris. Free.
There's PsyPlan Viewer for Windows, free to download and use, with PsyPlan files by email. ($5 donation required for current and next month.)
Then there's PsyPlan By Email, your PsyPlan monthly planner by email. ($5 donation required for current and next month.)
Want printed PsyPlan planners? One month at $17. An annual for $21. Six months with annual for $70. Available in wallet, pocket, booklet, notebook and custom sizes; stapled, hole-punched and Wire-O bindings.
Sorry about my error:
The upgrade page was broken after moving to a new server. It's fixed now. If you didn't see the page titled
"Version 2.11 Free Upgrade Order -- Thanks"
please order again.
Free upgrade by email to version 2.11 is now available for PsyPlantm Professional Publishing System customers. This upgrade has enhancements to handle four digit year dates, general weather transits, all planets retrograde, solar eclipses, solstice and equinox, daily biorhythm indicators, and more cities and holidays.
Updated July 28, 1999.
NEW PsyPlan holidays.hol file up through 2010.
All suggestions, complaints, etc. are welcome.
For the most extensive selection of astrology software with descriptions and comparative reviews, we recommend going to
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